Legal warning of Hotel Urugallo


Company name: HOTEL EL UROGALLO S.L.

Fiscal Address: Av. Castiero 7 - 25530 Vielha (Lleida)

N.I.F: B25465964


These General Access Conditions (the "Access Conditions") regulate the access and use by any person (the "user") of the pages that make up the web domain (the website), owned of HOTEL EL UROGALLO SL, as well as the contents and services that are included in it. Access to this website or its use by the user necessarily implies, and without reservation, the submission and acceptance of the Access Conditions. Therefore, it is recommended that the user read them carefully and carefully each time he wants to enter the Hotel Urogallo website. Hotel El Urogallo s.l. reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without the need for prior notice, any modification or update of the contents and services, of the Access Conditions and, in general, of all the elements that make up the design and configuration of its website.


The user accesses the website under the sole responsibility of it. The contents and services are exclusively for the dissemination of information about the activities carried out by the Hotel Urogallo.

By virtue of the applicable regulations regarding the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that when browsing it may be necessary to provide certain Personal Data that will be processed in an automated way and will be incorporated into the corresponding automated files, previously registered or discharged before the competent authority, of which Hotel el Urogallo SL is or will be the owner and responsible.

The purpose of the collection and automated processing of Personal Data is to maintain the contractual relationship established with Hotel El Urogallo S.L. -management, administration, improvement and adaptation to preferences and tastes of products and services-, as well as the sending, by traditional and / or electronic means, of administrative, technical, organizational and / or commercial information about products and services offered or that may offer the Hotel Urogallo or third companies whose intervention is necessary for the correct management of the commercial procedures foreseen procedurally.

The owner of the data will have the right to access the file at all times, being able to exercise the rights of rectification, cancellation and opposition in the terms set out in the data protection legislation. In the same way, the user's consent for the treatment and transfer of their Personal Data will be revocable at all times. For these purposes, a written and signed request addressed to Hotel Urogallo- Av. Castiero, 7- 25530 Vielha (Lleida) will suffice.


The intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents of the website correspond exclusively to HOTEL EL UROGALLO S.L., unless otherwise specified. Any use or exploitation other than the previous one will require prior written authorization from HOTEL EL UROGALLO S.L. Specifically, the user is prohibited from reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating (including the right to make them available), transforming, collecting and, in any other way, exploiting the contents included in the website without the prior written authorization of HOTEL EL UROGALLO SL


Access to the website or its use does not necessarily imply a collection of the user's personal data by HOTEL EL UROGALLO S.L. However, it is communicated that, in the event that the Hotel Urogallo requests personal data, the user will be duly informed in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data. Likewise, it is reported that by accessing the website or using it, the Hotel Urogallo is in a position to obtain the following personal data from the user: their type of Internet browser and operating system, the IP address from which the user and the date and time of connection. As some of such data can identify you, you are informed that they will be processed by HOTEL EL UROGALLO S.L. with the sole and exclusive purpose of perfecting your connection to the website. Regarding the processing of personal data, in the event of a request for information by web users, the Hotel Urogallo will be guided by Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data.


Any link, hypertext, deep, framing, or any other type of virtual connection through telecommunication networks from any website or URL address ("Links") to the website, must be authorized by the Hotel Urogallo and the link must be established. in any case to your home page. HOTEL EL UROGALLO S.L. wishes to clarify that the Links to third-party web pages that the web page contains are for guidance only, their purpose being to make other sources of information available to the user that may be of interest to them. The Hotel Urogallo reviews the content offered in the Links regularly. However, it is impossible to know exactly and at all times what the specific content of any link is. For this reason, it is requested that, in the event that any user or third party observes that such Links may be contrary to the laws, morals or public order, or that they are susceptible to incite violence or discrimination for sexual or ideological reasons , religious or racial, put it in our knowledge through the address of Apart from the legal provisions, the Hotel Urogallo declines any responsibility in relation to the contents of the Links or with the damages or errors that, due to any virus present when accessing said links or when using them, the computer systems (hardware and software) of the user.


These Access Conditions are subject to the Spanish legal system. For any questions you can also contact us at the email address:

The Urogallo Hotel
The Urogallo Hotel
The Urogallo Hotel
The Urogallo Hotel
The Urogallo Hotel
The Urogallo Hotel